New Release Incoming...

Soon. Very soon.

We're rushing to get the last few things sorted and ready for a release. 

Still to do:

  • M/M Crouch capture animation
  • Plains World needs 1 level and the boss level
  • Finishing fixes to z-respawn system
  • Currently 11 bugfixes including:
    • Wolves immune to damage
    • Hole in the world in Pineridge
    • Buggy stairs in upper town of Pineridge
    • Various dungeon bugs
    • New Inventory fixes

This new release of the game adds some major changes.

Male Player Characters

A new set of animations, finally giving us proper Gay content. This has also been expanded so we now have nearly all enemy/player combinations with animations: M/M, M/F, and F/M. We have not got as far as F/F yet but that'll be in one of the next updates.

Inventory System

Inventory has been completely replaced with a totally new system. We've got more logical clothing equipping. There's a few planned upgrades for the inventory, but it's more consolidation and minor improvements. First is that items can't be used while in the inventory as the game is paused. That needs some minor rewrites to get working. Second, the player image is static and taken just as the game pauses. That will get upgraded to a physical character model to see changes in realtime. And finally, the Pause menu will be integrated into the inventory so all the menus will be in one place.

Plains World

Once you complete the Forest World, access opens up to Plains, down in the valley. Plains has a new dungeon style, new shop and 6 open levels. This is another In Progress item, and as we add new species to the game will be populated by specific sets of enemies and RNG obstacles/cover.


This has been a pretty tough build this time around with some major updates that have taken time. There's other things that were intended and had a lot of work put into them, but ultimately have been cut for further work, such as the interactive sex animations. What we had planned for those didn't quite work as hoped, so we're re-assessing that and are looking at ways to make it both fun and easy to use.

The game should be released in a few days for Purchasers, Patreon and SubscribeStar users, with a general public release a couple of weeks later for free, minus the Plains World. We'll announce release dates properly as soon as the game is ready for release!

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