Phase 1 release soon

As a followup to the last post, it's now done and up on Patreon.

I'm working on some optimisations to both reduce filesize a bit and make some improvements/bugfixes for stuff found so far. Annoyingly, there's been a few real-life things happened this week that's pushed work on this back a little. For starters, my only vehicle broke down and I had to try twice to get the correct replacement belt, then fit it. There was also a house moving I had to help with and an interview for a job. Things aren't improving tomorrow with a few hours going to be spent doing work for my old company, I have no idea why they need me to do it but there's money involved and I like the idea of being able to afford to eat over christmas.

I'm aiming for 24th December as my current target.

The current bugfixes/improvements to be done are:

  • When completing the world map, you go back to Pineridge as expected, but then level transition back to the Release level instead of being able to explore and choose to play again.
  • Water in Open Forest levels only loads in a few chunks, giving water that just stops or is completely missing in places
  • Foliage in areas of Open Forest need to be thinned (dense forest with thick ferns is too laggy)
  • Released level has some patches of forest that are too dense to see through
  • Pineridge is laggy if you look down the valley
  • Dialog for Spung is male-oriented while Spung is female.
  • Dialog replies linewidth decreases with every response made
  • Reduce overall filesize of game
  • General optimisations

I'll get this up on Itch as soon as I can. It is coming, it just needs these last fixes and optimisations to make it worthwhile.

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