Level Rebuilds... - Update 4/4/23

No excuses this time, because shit has been happening...


The Forest Worldmap is back in, with tweaks. Mostly it's just little bits to make it work with the new framework. There's other slightly more drastic changes in preparation for future updates.  The major one is that there's no longer a player character running around. It's now a blue block.

This won't be the final model in use. It's just a stand-in. When this is done, that will be an image icon of the players species. As the game progresses through development, the map will start to have wolves and competitors running around on it, and 41 characters at once is a bit much, so it's better to have icons for each character instead. I've just not built the icons yet!

Second, each node has directional arrows

Those will only appear when you move on the node they belong to, and only show the navigable directions. In the last version, when playtesting, I could never figure out which paths used which directions, so now there's an indicator.

As it stands, the worldmap is maybe 95% done. All it needs for completion is to get the corresponding levels to transition to and from, and some fixes to the foliage.


Dungeons are back in now as well. There's not really much to talk about with these though, as they're a direct copy of the previous one. There were a few updates to run with the new framework, and I hooked literally everything up to the Seed. The new framework simplified an awful step of the old version. Namely getting Level Seed and wolf quantity into a level. The new framework makes it super easy, after a few tweaks, and now means every time you use a seed, the level will always generate the same each time. Layout the same, enemies in the same position, items in their place. The only differences are randomisation tweaks. So where a Wolf spawns, it will always spawn in that spot for that seed, but it will randomise between gender. The Basic enemies will randomise gender and species. Floor and wall tiles will randomise alt versions, but the main fabric stays the same.

Two different loads of the dungeon from the map node she was standing on. Note the torch swapped for a normal wall section, different floor pattern and different item type. Item position, corridor and barricade up hallway all in the same positions.

Dungeons have a bit more work to do.  They still need the distance to exit, functional exits, updating the level as completed and some minor tweaks. Once it's done, there's the shop level and the open forest map still to do, Plant Traps, adding damage to attacks and sex, Minimaps, Analyse, settings menus, pause game, camera mode and rocks from inventory. Then there's a few other things, a shitload of bugs...

We're getting there, and the big leaps are in progress now.

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