Still alive

I'm still working on this, but it's had to take a bit of a backseat to working my arse off trying to earn enough to survive.

The current thing being worked on is a Struggle system revamp: Rather than mashing E to struggle, it's now done by shaking the mouse. Every tick it calculates the distance between the last tick position and the new position of the cursor, which then adds a relevant increment to the struggle bar. In the meanwhile, every tick a fatigue modifier builds up, subtracting from the bar, so the longer you take to shake, the harder it gets to escape. There's a few bugs with it, but overall it seems to be working pretty well. The idea is to do some procedural animation for the struggle based on the bar filling up, but thats trickier.

The main focus of this phase was animation revamps, which is a bit of an issue. The game characters aren't designed for this. All the models were built from animation characters I'd done with custom skeletons and weighting. It can be done in UE, but it's pretty tough. The ideal way to do it is by basing all the characters on the UE skeleton. So it's looking like I need to redo all the characters, which would probably mean picking a style for the game and making it all fit together visually. I'm considering how to do this.

Other game stuff I've been doing includes building a multiplayer shooter framework so I can learn about online replication and all that kind of stuff.

So, progress is happening, but the priority is survival at the moment.

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don't overexert yourself, your health is more important than the game so don't work yourself too hard.