Updating game page and Patreon Rewards

In a shocking twist, I fucked up.

I'm taking a few days off, seeing as I've been doing game stuff almost constantly the last few weeks, but also doing a few back of house tasks. One of them is the games page on itch. It's full of old screenshots, so I need to go through and update everything to the most recent version, and check all the written stuff about the game to make sure it's all still valid. Which is where I hit the fuckuppery.

Oh shit...

Right at the bottom of the page is the big whoopsie.

"All people joining Patreon at the £15+ tiers will get a custom character added into the game"

I totally forgot about that. I genuinely can't remember even writing it. I know I had planned custom characters at some point. So, if you're one of the people who joined Patreon because of that promise, either drop me a private message on here or Discord, or I'll work through Patreon and do what I can to chase up everyone affected. It probably won't be today, but it should be this week.

Characters won't be added immediately. There's a bunch of stuff in progress that needs completed before anything can get released, and the obvious current game restrictions such as not having male PCs in yet, though if you have male canine or badgers, then I can quite quickly add them as possible enemies. I'd need to set up a system for it to work, but it'll be in one of the next updates where possible.

Sorry, I'm dumb.

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